Daenseo-ui sunjeong 2005

Drama Music Comedy

In pursuit of a triumphant comeback, a former dancing star imports a teenage phenom to play the role of his partner, only to discover that she barely has any experience. Can he train her to dance like a champ in just three months?

Tutti i titoli
  • KR: Daenseo-ui sunjeong Daenseo-ui sunjeong
  • BR: Passos Inocentes Passos Inocentes
  • DE: Daenseo-ui sunjeong Daenseo-ui sunjeong
  • JP: ダンサーの純情 ダンサーの純情
  • RU: Невинные шаги Невинные шаги
  • KR: Daenseo-ui sunjeong Daenseo-ui sunjeong
  • KR: Innocent Steps Innocent Steps
Data di rilascio 28 Apr 2005
Link IMDb
